The book is all about indoor plants that purify the air 2 000 ₸

The book is all about indoor plants that purify the air

Created: May 28 2022
The book is all about indoor plants that purify the air Semey - photo 1
The book is all about indoor plants that purify the air Semey - photo 2
The book is all about indoor plants that purify the air Semey - photo 3
The book is all about indoor plants that purify the air Semey - photo 4
The book is all about indoor plants that purify the air Semey - photo 5
The book is all about indoor plants that purify the air Semey - photo 6
The book is all about indoor plants that purify the air Semey - photo 7
The book is all about indoor plants that purify the air Semey - photo 8
Address: Semey, Kazakhstan
I will sell a book all about indoor plants that purify the air, more than 500 color photographs of more than 200 species and varieties. Here you will learn about which plants absorb formaldehyde better, which ammonia, which plants absorb benzene and so on. Price 2000t.
Created: May 28 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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2 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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