Rent a working car service! Detailing! Installation Center! 119.40 rub

Rent a working car service! Detailing! Installation Center!

Created: April 30 2022
I will rent to Ared the operating installation center! In the very center of the city! With a huge customer base! Works for 20 years! We supply work from morning to night! Services. Installation of alarms. StarLine Pandora. And others. Booking a car in full and in part! Glass tinting! Noise isolation! Salon cleaning! Polishing headlights and body! Tailoring of covers and polikov! Installation of regular radio tape recorders on any car! Subwoofer installation. columns. registrars. monitors. MASTERS WORK 50/50%. And by agreement... 5 separate entrances. In general, for 7-8 cars! 4 entrances for 1 car.. 1 common for 4 cars! There is a compressor. Transboy and some necessary electric tools! Contact by phone +7 701 718 93 91 Dmitry!!
Created: April 30 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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119.40 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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