Indo-chicks of the French line 551.10 rub

Indo-chicks of the French line

Created: June 16 2022
Indo-chicks of the French line Satpaev - photo 1
Indo-chicks of the French line Satpaev - photo 2
Indo-chicks of the French line Satpaev - photo 3
Indo-chicks of the French line Satpaev - photo 4
Address: Satpaev, Kazakhstan
I will sell indo-chickens, orvia, the French line, from the Russian factory, males up to 6 kg of pure meat, hatched on May 19 White bird. This species combines the best qualities of geese and ducks. In a year, one female is able to lay about a hundred eggs. Growing indo-cats at home has become so popular because of the many benefits that can be obtained if you keep this bird: indo-cats are quite quiet birds. They do not quack, but hiss, high-quality and hard plumage that protects from frost, it is very easy to breed birds, because they are not whimsical about food and living conditions, very tasty and fairly low-fat meat, indo-duck breeding can be carried out both in a closed aviary and and in open areas, musky ducks are very caring birds in relation to their offspring. Details by phone 87713125171, 87005661971 Gulya. See my other ads.
Created: June 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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551.10 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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