Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca 89 000 rub

Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca

Created: May 30 2022
Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca Saratov - photo 1
Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca Saratov - photo 2
Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca Saratov - photo 3
Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca Saratov - photo 4
Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca Saratov - photo 5
Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca Saratov - photo 6
Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca Saratov - photo 7
Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca Saratov - photo 8
Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca Saratov - photo 9
Solid fuel coal boiler Lavoro Ca Saratov - photo 10
Address: Соколовая, 18/40., Saratov, Russia, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
The Lavoro Carbone LC series boiler is a modern steel hot water boiler operating in a semi-automatic mode, designed for heating residential and industrial premises, as well as for preparing hot water (DHW). Coal, wood, various types of fuel briquettes are used as fuel. A pellet torch burner can be installed. The main difference of coal boilers of this series is the ability to use coal as the main fuel; water-filled grates made of a solid-drawn heat-resistant thick-walled pipe; a stirrer of a unique and reliable design, which helps the user clean the grate surface from slag.
Thermal power 12 kW
Heated area 40 - 120
Weight 230 kg.
Created: May 30 2022
Was online march 2 17:34
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89 000 rub
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Was online march 2 17:34
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