Business in Sorang

Гидрораспределители ВЕ Almaty 2
10 000 ₸
Delivery from Almaty
гидрораспределители ВЕ Гидрораспределитель ВЕ 10.14 Гидрораспределитель ВЕ 10.24...
Мощные алюминиевые радиаторы отопления Almaty
2 900 ₸
Delivery from Almaty
Мощные алюминиевые радиаторы отопления «KIBO-500» и «SAIKO-500» с завода разных цветов....
Масло растительное, подсолнечное Astana 15
10 photos more
320.77 ₸
Delivery from Astana
Масло растительное, подсолнечное нерафинированное, наливом с завода изготовителя. Производится из...
Трубы обсадные, насосно-компрессорные, б Almaty
476 644.42 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Almaty
Трубы обсадные бесшовные и электросварные по ГОСТ 632-80 диаметром 102, 114, 127, 140, 146, 168,...
Канатоукладчики GEARSEN RCD для электрич Astana
103 788.27 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
GRCD rope laying machines are used to lay the rope in the groove of the drum.
Тельферы электрические Astana
2 594 706.80 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
Electric hoists have long established themselves in the industrial equipment market. Advantages...
Передаточные тележки Astana
20 757 654.39 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
We manufacture workshop transfer trolleys of various types.
Кран консольный электрический Astana
14 530 358.07 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
A console stationary rotary crane on a column is used to mechanize the work of lifting and moving...
Краны козловые МПУ Astana
18 162 947.59 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
We produce MPU gantry cranes. The manufacture of cranes is carried out according to a standard...
Кран балки опорные Astana 3
12 973 533.99 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
Electric beam cranes prices (single girder overhead cranes) The plant produces electric crane...
Кран балки подвесные Astana
12 973 533.99 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
The plant produces electric crane beams and is a supplier of related lifting mechanisms in Russia...
Концевые балки Astana 2
7 265 179.03 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
The production of end beams for electric overhead and support crane beams is one of the...
Радиоуправление крановое Astana
570 835.50 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
The GEARSEN RCP radio control kit is a set of devices designed to remotely control all kinds of...
Тали ручные цепные GEARSEN HSZ-C Astana
155 682.41 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
GHSZC Series Chain hoists of the GHSZ-C series are distinguished by their durable and reliable...
Тали ручные рычажные GEARSEN HSH-C Astana
181 629.48 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
GHSHC 0530 is a high-quality hoist with a rubberized handle for better grip in the hand. Side...
Тележка для ручной тали GEARSEN GCL тип Astana
103 788.27 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
Series GGCL type B The GGCL type B series trolleys are equipped with lifting mechanisms for joint...
Блоки монтажные с крюком GEARSEN BMK Astana
77 841.20 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
GBMK series A mounting block with a BMK hook is used to complete pulley blocks or as a...
Блоки монтажные опорные GEARSEN BMO Astana
77 841.20 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
GBMO Series The mounting support block BMO is intended for use with electric or manual lifting...
Домкраты гидравлические GEARSEN HJ Astana 4
62 272.96 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
GHJ Series GHJ hydraulic bottle jacks are reliable, compact devices for lifting and securing...
Лебедка ручная рычажная GEARSEN GL Astana
5 000 ₸ Negotiable
Delivery from Astana
GGL Series The GL lever hand winch is available in two versions: with a lifting capacity of 2 and...