Machine embroidery and tailoring at home

Machine embroidery and tailoring at home

Created: May 19 2022
Machine embroidery and tailoring at home Rudnyy - photo 1
Machine embroidery and tailoring at home Rudnyy - photo 2
Machine embroidery and tailoring at home Rudnyy - photo 3
Machine embroidery and tailoring at home Rudnyy - photo 4
Machine embroidery and tailoring at home Rudnyy - photo 5
Machine embroidery and tailoring at home Rudnyy - photo 6
Machine embroidery and tailoring at home Rudnyy - photo 7
Machine embroidery and tailoring at home Rudnyy - photo 8
Address: Rudnyy, Kazakhstan
Seamstress at home, tailoring, repair of any complexity, alteration and restoration of leather and fur products. Also, machine embroidery logos, drawings and inscriptions as on finished products. Also sewing decorative items with personalized inscriptions, pillows, soft toys, shoppers, zhaynamaz and much more. Whatsap 87472848144
Created: May 19 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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