"Yurt in the mountains" work by Olga Katsyuba; watercolor 2008 270 000 ₸

"Yurt in the mountains" work by Olga Katsyuba; watercolor 2008

Created: November 16 2023
Art critics called Olya Katsuba a chronograph of modern life. With its help, we could take a special look at life around us. She distracted us from the bustle of everyday life; It was as if she was opening our eyes again. And we looked more closely at the architecture; nature; landscapes; amazing nooks and crannies of our city; and remembered their relationship with him. Certainly; Today's Almaty has changed a lot; but Olya’s creativity preserved for us “that Alma-Ata” - naive; sweetheart; multi-colored; warm. Since 1994, Olga Katsyuba has been a participant in 47 city councils; republican and international exhibitions. Author of the project “Disappearing City” (2002) and “Alma-Ata. Old Town" (2009). From 1995 to 2013 she held 15 personal exhibitions. She released 4 author's catalogues. The artist's paintings and graphic works were included in 32 art albums and catalogues. Her paintings are in private collections in the CIS countries; USA; Germany; South Korea; Canada; China; Turkey; England and Australia.
Created: November 16 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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270 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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