Industrial climbing / work at height

Industrial climbing / work at height

Created: May 16 2022
Industrial climbing / work at height  - photo 1
Industrial climbing / work at height  - photo 2
Industrial climbing / work at height  - photo 3
Industrial climbing / work at height  - photo 4
Industrial climbers, high-altitude assembly work. Phone: +7 776 545 35 55 (WhatsApp) Working hours: 24/7 Departure and consultation: FREE! Types of work provided: 1 - Sealing stained-glass windows and facades, 2 - Washing windows, facades, banners, 3 - Installation of advertising and lighting equipment, 4 - Restoration of facing materials, 5 - Painting of facades and metal structures, 6 - Cleaning the roof from snow, ice and other pollution, 7 - Insulation of facades, stained-glass windows and balconies, 8 - Installation of storm drains, canopies, bends, 9 - Electrical work at height, 10 - Lifting loads in hard-to-reach places, 11 - Welding work at height, 12 - Construction of complex engineering structures , 13 - touched interpanel seams The price is formed from a number of factors: 1 - The actual amount of work performed. 2 - Tech. customer requirements and the complexity of the work. 3 - Deadlines and technologies for the performance of work.
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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