Created: November 14 2023
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"NEW SQUARE" agent! Bastap? bіz kelesі ?izmetterdi k?rsetemiz:-al?ash?y zharna bolma?an zha?dayda mortgaged tіrkeu;-mortgaged tіrkeu w?ne??rylys salushydan ?olayly zhylzhymaytyn m?likti izdeu (aldyn ala zharnasyz); -mortgage standards turkeu;- process toly? ?oldau;-za?dy ke?es;- ?oldanysta?y nesieler bol?an zha?daida tirkeu;-IP nemese ZHS ielerine mortgage; Meken-jayi: Astana?. k?sh. Sheds? 5; bіz sіzd ke?semіzde k?temiz! (Sіzge certificate pen EC? ?maybe.) Instagram: npinc.kzСізді? for the same manager 87******150
Created: November 14 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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