Selling a large painting 110*90 25 000 ₸

Selling a large painting 110*90

Created: November 16 2023
Selling a large painting 110*90  - photo 1
Selling a large painting 110*90  - photo 2
Selling a large painting 110*90  - photo 3
Selling a large painting 110*90  - photo 4
Selling a large painting 110*90  - photo 5
Selling a large painting of Cleopatra and the lion 110*90. In a good condition. Fabric. According to Feng Shui; Leo is a protector from all kinds of threats from the external environment. The painting allows you to bring prosperity and stability to your home; and also keep calm. Among other things; will help fight the anger and envy of ill-wishers; putting an invisible barrier to negative energy; which is directed against the inhabitants of the home. Pickup. Abaya of truth
Created: November 16 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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25 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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