I sell dairy goats 100 000 ₸

I sell dairy goats

Created: June 14 2022
I sell dairy goats  - photo 1
I sell dairy goats  - photo 2
I sell dairy goats  - photo 3
I sell dairy goats  - photo 4
I sell two young goats after the first lambing, a mixture of Alpines and Nubians .... Very promising, well, very harmful. They give milk. Approximately one and a half liters a day from one goat. The price is 100 000 TG for one goat. If you take both, I will make a discount ... reasonable .... Tel. 87479181843
Created: June 14 2022
Was online november 30 2023 11:27
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100 000 ₸
Was online november 30 2023 11:27
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