VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan year 2 050 000 ₸

VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan year

Created: May 6 2022
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year  - photo 1
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year  - photo 2
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year  - photo 3
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year  - photo 4
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year  - photo 5
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year  - photo 6
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year  - photo 7
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year  - photo 8
Model: 2170 Priora Sedan 
For sale Priora 1 full suite with conderm, tiptronic. Excellent condition wheel R17.205/40 Torus tire Triangl also excellent condition for 320,000 bought. Androyd tape recorder with rear cameras bought 119,000 thousand, Eva Polik, I bought a leather cover for 56,000 thousand. A set of Viatti winter tire with wilds stamp blotched color winter new. Mator does not take oil just do and carovka excellent condition. Rossiyada accounting tour.
Created: May 6 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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2 050 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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