Help for the victims. Novoselovka. 1 ₸

Help for the victims. Novoselovka.

Created: April 28 2022
Help for the victims. Novoselovka.  - photo 1
Help for the victims. Novoselovka.  - photo 2
Help for the victims. Novoselovka.  - photo 3
Dear friends, everyone knows how the Chernihiv region got from the Russian occupiers. Residents of the bombed village of Novoselovka need help. Thank God people are already being provided with humanitarian aid in terms of food and warm clothes. But unfortunately there is no water, electricity, etc. Victims need gas cylinders and small stoves to heat and cook food. Travel sprays are very suitable. Maybe someone is lying idle or someone just wants to help. Let's help together. You can start it yourself, or contact me by phone. I do volunteer work. I'll post a photo report!!! All good and peaceful sky above your head.
Created: April 28 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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