Nipple drinker for 2 bowls wholesale and retail 151.84 rub

Nipple drinker for 2 bowls wholesale and retail

Created: June 17 2022
Nipple drinker for 2 bowls wholesale and retail  - photo 1
One of the most popular and versatile drinkers used by poultry farmers in their households. Very easy to install and use. Works 360 degrees. Made of high strength plastic, so it will last a long time. The collapsible mechanism allows you to freely clean the nipple, which increases its service life. The main advantage of nipple drinkers over other types is their hygiene. All feed residues, waste products and dirt do not enter the water, which guarantees the health of the bird. The bird reacts to the shine of the metal nipple and hits it with its beak, as a result of which the mechanism works and water begins to flow. To ensure that water does not fall on the floor, a drip catcher is provided in the drinker. For installation, you will need a water pipe, accessories (to connect all parts), a hose and a container to which the entire system will be connected. It is necessary to cut pieces of the desired length from the tube and connect them to the drinkers. No additional protection at the joints against leakage is required, since the junction is sealed. A plug is placed on the extreme drinker to close the system, then the installation scheme of the drinkers is as follows: - - drinkers connected to each other by a pipe (the last should be a drinker with a plug, - an adapter from the pipe to the food hose, - a hose of the required length, - a tap (if any such a need), - a fitting for connecting a hose with a tie-in, - a tie-in (screwed into the container). If the nipple is malfunctioning (it may fail over time), it can be easily replaced with a new one. Estimated number of birds per drinker: - 10-15 heads when kept in a cage, - 30 heads when kept in an open area, - 70 chicks.
Created: June 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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151.84 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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