Hat shawl stole scarf white 3 000 ₸

Hat shawl stole scarf white

Created: May 30 2022
Hat shawl stole scarf white Petropavlovsk - photo 1
Hat shawl stole scarf white Petropavlovsk - photo 2
Hat shawl stole scarf white Petropavlovsk - photo 3
Hat shawl stole scarf white Petropavlovsk - photo 4
Hat shawl stole scarf white Petropavlovsk - photo 5
Address: Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan
Selling a white beanie with rhinestones. Very good condition. Worn once. Price 3000. I can also sell a shawl / stole / scarf (as you like), very soft, warm, about a meter in size. Price 3000. Everything is in excellent condition. Call 87086087742
Created: May 30 2022
Was online december 9 11:52
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3 000 ₸
Was online december 9 11:52
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