I will lease the territory of 0.75 hectares 1 000 ₸

I will lease the territory of 0.75 hectares

Created: April 30 2022
I will lease the territory of 0.75 hectares Petropavlovsk - photo 1
I will lease the territory of 0.75 hectares Petropavlovsk - photo 2
I will lease the territory of 0.75 hectares Petropavlovsk - photo 3
I will lease the territory of 0.75 hectares Petropavlovsk - photo 4
Address: Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan
I will lease the territory at the address - J. Gashek passage 8. The intersection of Y. Gashek and Musrepov streets. Between the territory of "Avagro" and the former territory of the trade base. The area is 0.75 hectares. There are 380 V, 220 V, telephone. Fenced. Under parking, an open area for a warehouse and so on. All questions by phone. Price 500 tg/m2
Created: April 30 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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