Toilet seat for the disabled 7 000 ₸

Toilet seat for the disabled

Created: May 31 2022
Toilet seat for the disabled Petropavlovsk - photo 1
Toilet seat for the disabled Petropavlovsk - photo 2
Toilet seat for the disabled Petropavlovsk - photo 3
Address: Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan
Selling a toilet seat for the elderly/disabled. The condition is perfect. Was in use for a week. The nozzle allows you to comfortably use the toilet for children after hip and tibia fractures, with limited movement in the joints of the legs and for patients with disabilities, the elderly, as well as during the rehabilitation period after damage to the musculoskeletal system. The nozzle increases the height of the toilet bowl. Easily attaches to a toilet bowl of any shape. The design is made of plastic, which does not absorb odors and is easy to clean.
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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7 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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