Feed, starter feed, starter feed, feed for broilers 5 700 ₸

Feed, starter feed, starter feed, feed for broilers

Created: June 17 2022
Feed, starter feed, starter feed, feed for broilers Petropavlovsk - photo 1
Feed, starter feed, starter feed, feed for broilers Petropavlovsk - photo 2
Feed, starter feed, starter feed, feed for broilers Petropavlovsk - photo 3
Feed, starter feed, starter feed, feed for broilers Petropavlovsk - photo 4
Address: Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan
PK-2 UNIVERSAL 5700 TG 20 kg. 285 tg kg. LLP "Di?anshy" Feed mill number 1 in Petropavlovsk. We sell Starting universal PK 2 compound feed for meat poultry (broiler chickens, goslings, ducklings, turkey poults). Our compound feed was developed jointly with specialists from the Poultry Institute, which made it possible to achieve versatility when feeding any meat poultry. The maximum weight of broiler chickens appears already on the fortieth day of life. We recommend feeding our feed from the first days of life until slaughter. All compound feed is made on foreign-made equipment in three stages. 1. Mixing. 2. Extrusion (sterilizes feed from all bacteria, improves nutrient absorption) 3. Granulation (formation of uniform grains for best palatability) Our compound feed contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients for maximum growth rate. Protein content 22%. PK-2-UNIVERSAL 20 kg-5700 tenge Delivery across Petropavlovsk from 500 tenge. Or you can purchase our feed yourself from the warehouse. Ayagan Shazhimbaev (K.Libknekht) street 142 We work without days off, 7 days a week. Call ahead. Tel- +7 777 328 6220 Evgeny Tel- +7 777 325 54 35 Andrey
Created: June 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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5 700 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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