Squirrel Degu 551.10 rub

Squirrel Degu

Created: May 31 2022
Squirrel Degu Petropavlovsk - photo 1
Squirrel Degu Petropavlovsk - photo 2
Address: Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan
These are cute Chilean squirrels that look a bit like jerboas. Their second nickname is Degus. Degus were first discovered in the 18th century. A spacious cage is needed - for a couple of animals at least 120 * 60 * 100 cm, but the more the better, because degus are territorial animals. Be sure to put a wooden house, which the degu gnaws over time, there should be hay in the cage (in the sennitsa, as a filler is not used) and sawdust (litter, in no case pour granules - painful corns appear from them), a drinking bowl with water, a wheel (mesh or wooden from 28 cm), in which the animals run with pleasure. Food should always be in the feeder, for degus, specialized feeds should be purchased (in extreme cases, food for chinchillas is suitable) - they consist of herbs, vegetables and cereals and do not contain sugar. The composition of high-quality feed should not contain fish, bone, and other types of flour, salt, sugar, molasses or cane molasses, brewer's yeast (ideally), carob (carob), nuts, honey, animal products. Degus have a predisposition to diabetes, so they should not be given sweet fruits and dried fruits. Degu teeth are constantly growing, so there should be enough branches in the cage for squabbling hardwoods - lindens, birches, apple trees. Degus are sociable, easily get used to hands, recognize the owner by smell, keeping them at home and watching them is a great pleasure.
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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551.10 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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