Penablock. Polystyrene blocks. Dimensions 500 * 200 * 300 880 ₸

Penablock. Polystyrene blocks. Dimensions 500 * 200 * 300

Created: May 26 2022
Penablock. Polystyrene blocks. Dimensions 500 * 200 * 300  - photo 1
Penablock. Polystyrene blocks. Dimensions 500 * 200 * 300  - photo 2
Penablock. Polystyrene blocks. Dimensions 500 * 200 * 300  - photo 3
Penablock. Polystyrene blocks. Dimensions 500 * 200 * 300  - photo 4
Penablock. Polystyrene blocks. Dimensions 500 * 200 * 300  - photo 5
Penablock. Polystyrene blocks. Dimensions 500 * 200 * 300  - photo 6
Penablock. Polystyrene blocks. Dimensions 500 * 200 * 300  - photo 7
Address: Kokozek, 435 (2 GIS each): Tel: +7 777 000 4001 By purchasing polystyrene concrete blocks you get: the cost of a square wall meter is 1.5-1.7 and 1.46-2.15 times lower (respectively), the laboriousness of building walls is 1.5-2.0 times lower, efficiency and comfort with complete environmental safety, saving up to 70% of mortar (glue), large-sized blocks simplify wall laying 30 cm wall construction is equivalent in thermal conductivity to a brick wall 1.8 thick m, high manufacturability of construction, blocks are easily sawn (it is possible to give any geometric shape, the installation of channels for concealed wiring) Lower cost of polystyrene concrete compared to other materials Reduced heating costs due to lower thermal conductivity Due to the construction of external walls made of polystyrene concrete, they increase by 3- 7% of the total building area on the same building footprint Excellent sound insulation Excellent waterproofing while maintaining vapor permeability Does not absorb moisture O no breakage during transportation High frost resistance Durability over 150 years
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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