Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
Budgerigars are rather miniature birds, the body length of which, as a rule, does not exceed 19-20 cm. Budgerigars have a long, beautiful tail, due to which the bird seems much larger: the length of the tail corresponds to half the length of the body. In general, budgerigars are harmonious and compact birds. They have a strong, strong beak, like a bird of prey, elastic feathers that fit snugly to the body, a rich color palette. In natural habitats, the traditional color of budgerigars is green with transverse wavy dark strokes, but such bright colors as blue-black, yellow-blue, mottled, opal, harlequin (yellow breast and green belly, white breast and blue belly) have been artificially created. ), etc. The eyes are dark blue with a white or yellow iris. Some birds have a miniature crest of feathers on their heads, such parrots are called crested. Among budgerigars, one can meet albinos (completely white birds with red eyes) and lutinos (birds with yellow plumage), wavy patterns in the color of these birds are absent. It is important to understand that the color of albinos and lutinos is a consequence of pigmentation disorders, and not a feature of the breed, and it is not inherited. The sex of a budgerigar is easy to determine by the color of the cere. If the wax is purple or bright blue, then you have a male in front of you, and if it is blue or brown, it is a female. LIVING WORLD stores have a huge selection of products for your pets! In the city of Pavlodar, we are located at N. Nazarbayev Avenue 69. We work daily from 9:00 to 18:50, without days off and a lunch break. WhatsApp +77057405991 We are waiting for you in our LIVING WORLD store.
№219174 Created: June 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19