Plumbing, electrical services

Plumbing, electrical services

Created: May 16 2022
Plumbing, electrical services Pavlodar - photo 1
Plumbing, electrical services Pavlodar - photo 2
Plumbing, electrical services Pavlodar - photo 3
Plumbing, electrical services Pavlodar - photo 4
Plumbing, electrical services Pavlodar - photo 5
Plumbing, electrical services Pavlodar - photo 6
Plumbing, electrical services Pavlodar - photo 7
Plumbing, electrical services Pavlodar - photo 8
Address: Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
All types of plumbing services (heating, sewerage, plumbing). Installation of water heaters, shower cabins, toilet bowls, installations. Installation of heating systems, water supply, sewerage. Flushing of heating systems. Welding work. Electrician services. Installation of long burning boilers. Individual approach to each client and cost of work. Consultations. Kaspi Red, Kaspi Credit.
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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