Work (suitable for students, housewives, additional earnings for everyone)

Work (suitable for students, housewives, additional earnings for everyone)

Created: October 10 2022
1.IT-COMPANY recruits employees2. Requirement / 1. Age from 16 to 60 years (no experience) 2. Flexible schedule, you can combine 3 Z. P from 100.000 tenge 4. write to wat sap 24 hours. , not cosmetics, legal6. There is no quarantine and lockdown in our company7. ATTENTION! Lazy people who think money falls on their heads just like that - by! Don't waste our time and yours! Really, who needs a job, we will teach you everything! Places are limited!!!
Created: October 10 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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