Sell Lexus RX 300 4 500 000 ₸

Sell Lexus RX 300

Created: May 7 2022
Sell Lexus RX 300 Pavlodar - photo 1
Sell Lexus RX 300 Pavlodar - photo 2
Sell Lexus RX 300 Pavlodar - photo 3
Sell Lexus RX 300 Pavlodar - photo 4
Sell Lexus RX 300 Pavlodar - photo 5
Sell Lexus RX 300 Pavlodar - photo 6
Sell Lexus RX 300 Pavlodar - photo 7
Sell Lexus RX 300 Pavlodar - photo 8
Sell Lexus RX 300 Pavlodar - photo 9
Sell Lexus RX 300 Pavlodar - photo 10
Address: Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
Model: RX series 
I will sell in the Excellent State on the Russian account LEXUS RX300, 2001 restyling!!! PTS, STS, the contract of sale is everything, you can reissue it to your person or I can make a Power of Attorney. I am the Owner!!! The car is in excellent condition without attachments. Everything that was required, did. Glass is all original with no cracks or chips. The salon is fresh. Auto after cleaning and polishing. Rubber Winter-Summer. NEW battery. The condition is closer to perfect. Not interested in exchange! RF ACCOUNT. It's on the account. I OWN A CAR!
Created: May 7 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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4 500 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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