I invite you for coloring, you can visit the house

I invite you for coloring, you can visit the house

Created: May 15 2022
I invite you for coloring, you can visit the house Pavlodar - photo 1
I invite you for coloring, you can visit the house Pavlodar - photo 2
I invite you for coloring, you can visit the house Pavlodar - photo 3
I invite you for coloring, you can visit the house Pavlodar - photo 4
I invite you for coloring, you can visit the house Pavlodar - photo 5
I invite you for coloring, you can visit the house Pavlodar - photo 6
I invite you for coloring, you can visit the house Pavlodar - photo 7
Address: Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
I invite you to color hair in one tone, complex coloring, strands near the face, blond, colored strands, hidden coloring, etc. Dyes and care are only professional and high-quality, hair protection during lightening. I don't cut! I work with Departure to the house +1000 for a taxi
Created: May 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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