Large-panel slab, reinforced concrete PKZH-6 5970*1490*300 88 000 ₸

Large-panel slab, reinforced concrete PKZH-6 5970*1490*300

Created: May 26 2022
Large-panel slab, reinforced concrete PKZH-6 5970*1490*300 Pavlodar - photo 1
Large-panel slab, reinforced concrete PKZH-6 5970*1490*300 Pavlodar - photo 2
Large-panel slab, reinforced concrete PKZH-6 5970*1490*300 Pavlodar - photo 3
Large-panel slab, reinforced concrete PKZH-6 5970*1490*300 Pavlodar - photo 4
Address: Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
The slab is large-panel, high quality reinforced concrete. Our address: Lomova 180, Concrete Factory. Working hours: Mon-Sat, from 8-17:00
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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88 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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