Feed additive - "Chlorella concentrate" 183.70 rub

Feed additive - "Chlorella concentrate"

Created: June 17 2022
Feed additive - "Chlorella concentrate" Pavlodar - photo 1
Address: Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
Feed additive - "Chlorella Concentrate" is a natural complex feed additive consisting of Chlorella microalgae and a culture medium containing a living cell. The cell suspension grown by us is concentrated several times and the output is a concentrate with a content of living cells with a density of 500 million/ml. All cells in the concentrate are alive. Used for all types of: - farm animals (cattle, small cattle, horses, pigs, fur-bearing animals, etc.), - farm birds (chicken, geese, quail, turkey, etc.), - bees , - fish (sturgeon, bottom-feeding fish, predator, etc.), Contains more than 650 useful substances: - vitamins - minerals (macro- and microelements) - protein (all amino acids, including essential ones) - polyunsaturated fatty acids - natural antibiotic Chlorellin - growth factors - organic acids - steroid compounds - carbohydrates - chlorophyll - fiber - and many other useful substances Own production. When using our concentrate, the following results can be achieved: For farm animals: - reduction in the number of unproductive inseminations and normalization of the sexual cycle of animals, - almost complete rejection of the use of veterinary drugs and the use of antibiotics, - increase in milk yield by an average of 20%, - increase milk fat content up to 4-5%, protein content up to 3.7-4%, milk sugar up to 5-5.5%, - strong immunity, as well as prevention and control of diseases, - increase in live weight gain in fattening by 25 - 40%, - increase in the digestibility of feed several times, - the safety of young animals is 99%. For agricultural poultry: - increase in slaughter weight by 20% when fattening broilers, - increase in egg production up to 15%, - increase in egg mass by 10-15%, - improve the quality of eggs and the content of carotenoids in them (1.5-2 times), vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, - obtaining eggs with high incubation qualities, - increasing the percentage of hatching of chicks, - reducing sanitary slaughter by several times, - improving the safety of livestock up to 99%, - eradicating diarrhea, - improving the condition bones with joints and, as a result, solving the problem of “delegation”, - improving feed conversion and increasing chicken weight gain by 15-20%, - almost complete rejection of the use of veterinary drugs and the use of antibiotics, - strong immunity, as well as prevention and control diseases, - improving the quality of the internal organs of the bird and reducing the percentage of their culling. WE WORK ALL OVER KAZAKHSTAN, RUSSIA AND CIS.
Created: June 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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183.70 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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