interior painting "Angel" 13 000 ₸

interior painting "Angel"

Created: May 29 2022
interior painting "Angel" Pavlodar - photo 1
interior painting "Angel" Pavlodar - photo 2
interior painting "Angel" Pavlodar - photo 3
Address: Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
Hello, I am selling a painting by Pavlodar artist Ratmir Rafikov - "Angel". was purchased recently. New. Canvas size 40x50 cm frame 1..5 cm made with acrylic paint. fits perfectly into the interior. They took my sister, but she went to another city. all questions in vatsap or by phone +77473746977
Created: May 29 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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13 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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