Cargo transportation on the Gazelle in KZ and the Russian Federation

Cargo transportation on the Gazelle in KZ and the Russian Federation

Created: July 14 2022
Cargo transportation on the Gazelle in KZ and the Russian Federation Pavlodar - photo 1
Cargo transportation on the Gazelle in KZ and the Russian Federation Pavlodar - photo 2
Cargo transportation on the Gazelle in KZ and the Russian Federation Pavlodar - photo 3
Address: Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
Transportation of goods (possibly under a seal) on a Gazelle car (length - 4.2m., width - 2m., height - 2m.) Loader services are included. Tel.: 8-705-341-05-05 and 8-701-245-03-86
Created: July 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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