Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
The list of services provided: Disinfection (destruction of microorganisms), Disinsection (control of pests), Deratization (destruction of rodents), Desaccharization (destruction of ticks), Deodorization (elimination of odors), Treatment of viruses and bacteria. Odorless and fast. 100% guarantee. We work every day, without days off and holidays! Safe for children and pets. Lack of smell. Processing in your presence Minimal preparation How we work: Departure to the object (apartments, cafes, restaurants, offices) Inspection (search for places of accumulation and ways of moving) Selection of insecticide for efficiency (no extra charge) We provide a guarantee for all types of work. Only time-tested, harmless, eco-friendly drugs and the most modern equipment are used. We conclude a contract for all services. We use professional equipment: dry steam generators, cold fog and hot fog, extra-class pumps and sprayers with microcapsule technology. All products used are safe for people and pets. We carry out work in any type of premises, ventilation, transport and any other objects: vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, etc.), residential (apartments, houses, hostels, hotels, etc.), retail (shopping centers and Shopping malls, shops, hypermarkets), household (warehouses, offices, factories), public catering (restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.) Our advantages: Processing of any premises in a short time! Guaranteed destruction of the source of the problem (the technology destroys not only adults, but also clutches, as well as foci of viruses in the room), 100% confidentiality, Safe for people and animals, Processing time from 30 minutes, Experienced specialists, We work seven days a week, Guarantee - 12 months.
№228860 Created: July 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19