Swamp walker Tinger. In great condition. snowmobile 8 500 000 ₸

Swamp walker Tinger. In great condition. snowmobile

Created: July 1 2022
Swamp walker Tinger. In great condition. snowmobile Pavlodar - photo 1
Swamp walker Tinger. In great condition. snowmobile Pavlodar - photo 2
Swamp walker Tinger. In great condition. snowmobile Pavlodar - photo 3
Swamp walker Tinger. In great condition. snowmobile Pavlodar - photo 4
Swamp walker Tinger. In great condition. snowmobile Pavlodar - photo 5
Swamp walker Tinger. In great condition. snowmobile Pavlodar - photo 6
Swamp walker Tinger. In great condition. snowmobile Pavlodar - photo 7
Swamp walker Tinger. In great condition. snowmobile Pavlodar - photo 8
Address: Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
Selling the Tinger swamp buggy. Practically new. Mileage 700km. Also floats on water. Technically in perfect condition. There is an additional trailer for it. The plastic is all intact, the engine is in excellent condition. You can also ski in the snow.
Created: July 1 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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8 500 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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