Cleaning of premises and apartments after a fire. Karaganda

Cleaning of premises and apartments after a fire. Karaganda

Created: May 18 2022
Cleaning of premises and apartments after a fire. Karaganda Нуркен - photo 1
Cleaning of premises and apartments after a fire. Karaganda Нуркен - photo 2
Cleaning of premises and apartments after a fire. Karaganda Нуркен - photo 3
Cleaning of premises and apartments after a fire. Karaganda Нуркен - photo 4
Address: Нуркен, Kazakhstan
Cleaning of premises after a fire Karaganda and Karaganda region. Departure of a specialist for inspection 1000 tenge. We will comprehensively eliminate all the consequences. Guaranteed for all types of work. We accept orders around the clock! We process with specialized and certified means. Estimated cost of cleaning - from 1500 per.m? 87054849999, 87074849999, 87004849999 Olga (Vatsap) call-write. Inst: kk.kvartet. Full package of documents. We work on cash and non-cash settlement
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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