I will sell sheets metal thickness 3mm 2*1m. (4 pieces new). The price for a leaf. 6 429.50 rub

I will sell sheets metal thickness 3mm 2*1m. (4 pieces new). The price for a leaf.

Created: May 26 2022
I will sell sheets metal thickness 3mm 2*1m. (4 pieces new). The price for a leaf. Нуркен - photo 1
I will sell sheets metal thickness 3mm 2*1m. (4 pieces new). The price for a leaf. Нуркен - photo 2
I will sell sheets metal thickness 3mm 2*1m. (4 pieces new). The price for a leaf. Нуркен - photo 3
Address: Нуркен, Kazakhstan
I will sell metal sheets new hot-rolled Thickness is 3 mm. Length 2m. Width 1m. The price for 1 piece is 35 thousand tenge. Available 4 pieces (pickup, Southeast). Phone: 8 778 628 28 25
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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6 429.50 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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