Children's massage from 0 to 14 years For free

Children's massage from 0 to 14 years

Created: March 10 2022
Children's massage from 0 to 14 years Nizhniy Novgorod - photo 1
Address: Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
Recreation classes from 0 to 14 years:
- baby massage
- medical (neurology, orthopedics, pulmonology)
- restorative
- by zones.
Passive gymnastics for children under 4 years old, a set of exercises (exercise therapy) for children over 4 years old.
Classes on the ball - by age.
Education NMBK (nurse, specialist in medical massage), National State Pedagogical University. Kozma Minina (specialist in adaptive physical education).
Experience in working with children since 2006, medical massage since 2008, adaptive physical education since 2009.
Documents - available.
Departure to your home within Nizhny Novgorod.
Created: March 10 2022
Екатерина Смирнова
Was online september 22 2023 06:38
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