I will sell decorative paint (3kg) with primer (2.7l) from ARCOBALENO. 20 000 ₸

I will sell decorative paint (3kg) with primer (2.7l) from ARCOBALENO.

Created: May 25 2022
I will sell decorative paint (3kg) with primer (2.7l) from ARCOBALENO. Муткенова - photo 1
Address: Муткенова, Kazakhstan
I will sell decorative paint (3kg) with primer (2.7l) from ARCOBALENO. Silk effect. The base is silver, tinted with ash color. Effetto Seta is a decorative pearlescent interior and exterior paint with a soft texture effect. Arcobaleno Colore is an interior acrylic primer that creates a homogeneous base for subsequent application of decorative materials. Whatsapp 87712447434
Created: May 25 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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20 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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