Soft, hard roof of any complexity. Departure across the region. DISCOUNTS!!!

Soft, hard roof of any complexity. Departure across the region. DISCOUNTS!!!

Created: May 18 2022
Soft, hard roof of any complexity. Departure across the region. DISCOUNTS!!! Муткенова - photo 1
Soft, hard roof of any complexity. Departure across the region. DISCOUNTS!!! Муткенова - photo 2
Soft, hard roof of any complexity. Departure across the region. DISCOUNTS!!! Муткенова - photo 3
Address: Муткенова, Kazakhstan
An experienced team of roofers with experience. They will install, dismantle roofs of any complexity. As well as facade work, sheathing and insulation of balconies, loggias, etc. We remove construction debris after dismantling. Departure for measurements is free. time 87764747404.87009634730. Timur.
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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