Restoration of CNC machines 55 110 rub

Restoration of CNC machines

Created: February 27 2022
Restoration of CNC machines Moscow - photo 1
Restoration of CNC machines Moscow - photo 2
Address: Moscow, Russia
Parametric programming (English parametric programming, also - macroprogramming) in processing numerical control systems (NC) for technological equipment is an approach to increasing the level of programming, implemented by creating specialized languages or extensions to existing programming tools.
Historically, the first programming language for CNC machine tools, G-code, is inherently a language for describing cyclograms of the movement of a machining tool, turning the spindle on / off, supplying cutting fluids (coolant) and other actions and does not have means of current checking the state of the machining process. For example, if a machining tool breaks down or there is no coolant, the cyclogram described by the G-code will continue uselessly or be executed dangerously for the equipment until the operator intervenes or the G-code ends. To eliminate this significant drawback of the G-code, parametric programming languages were developed.
These languages have much in common with the usual high-level programming languages, such as Fortran, C. The main advantage over G-code is the availability of conditional branch instructions/operators. This extension allows you to change the machining progress when the process state changes, for example, stop processing with an alarm when a wear sensor or tool breakage is triggered.
An additional advantage of parametric programming for CNC machines is the ability to organize complex calculations of the coordinates of the tool and its movements for processing curved surfaces specified mathematically in the form of 3D splines or Bezier surfaces.
Control system manufacturers use parametric programming as an extension of G-code. It can be compared to computer programming languages such as Basic, but it can be accessed at the level of G-functions (codes). Unlike CNC programming, parametric programming expands the possibilities comparable to object-oriented programming. Using its CNC control systems, it becomes possible to calculate variance, use logical operators, work with tool passes, manipulator movements. The possibility of organizing cycles, selection by condition, transition, work with subroutines. Elements are added that exercise full control over the CNC - access to system variables and cells of the electroautomatic program, the ability to create your own G-codes and functions that most fully implement the control of all machine components. It is possible to access CNC parameters that store information about the tool, position of working bodies, manipulators, coordinate system, G-code values of the control program and errors. With the help of parametric programming, it is possible to develop interactive control programs. Like computer programming languages, there are several versions of them in parametric programming: Custom Macro, User Task (Okuma), Q Routine (Sodick), Advanced Programming Language (APL G&L). For example, the FMS-3000 macro programming language from a subset of the Basic language makes it possible to organize additional information windows, a parameter tracking system, control modes and logging of processing processes. Such programs run in the background and in their free time from all other tasks, with a heavy load, they can temporarily suspend their work. Using such opportunities, you have one of the most effective ways to control a machine tool, a robot, a CNC system.
As an example of a macro program, you can write a G200 function subroutine for the FMS-3000 control system and use this G function as a tool rebound and transition between passes, as in the case of a drill moving from one coordinate to another.
A program written using a macro programming language has a similar G-code structure for a control system. The structural unit is the frame. A frame is a sequence of characters language
Created: February 27 2022
Was online february 8 08:56
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55 110 rub
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