Repair of extruders, granulators, thermoplastic machines 34 712 ₸

Repair of extruders, granulators, thermoplastic machines

Created: January 28 2022
Repair of extruders, granulators, thermoplastic machines Moscow - photo 1
Address: Moscow, Russia
We repair columns, augers. We repair the parts of the injection unit: the inner surfaces of the sleeves of hydraulic cylinders with a diameter of more than 400, we repair either pistons and rubber goods, guide pipes, drive shafts and pipes. Repair of injection molding machines. Injection molding machines are very expensive, complex and long lasting if properly operated and maintained. However, nothing lasts forever, and technology begins to deteriorate. After the repair of injection molding machines, the customer receives machines that meet modern international requirements, and in terms of costs, this is approximately 75 to 50 percent of the price of a new machine. Fault diagnosis. Repair of electronic units (operator panels, controllers, control boards, electric drives).
Created: January 28 2022
Was online february 8 08:56
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34 712 ₸
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Was online february 8 08:56
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