Modular Lens for GoPro 9/10/11/12 FishEye Wide Angle Lens 42 000 ₸

Modular Lens for GoPro 9/10/11/12 FishEye Wide Angle Lens

Created: November 15 2023
Modular Lens for GoPro 9/10/11/12 FishEye Wide Angle Lens  - photo 1
Modular Lens for GoPro 9/10/11/12 FishEye Wide Angle Lens  - photo 2
Modular Lens for GoPro 9/10/11/12 FishEye Wide Angle Lens  - photo 3
Wide-angle lens "Fisheye"Modular lens for HERO9/10/11/12 GoProFirst of all, extreme sports enthusiasts should buy a modular lens for HERO9/HERO10/HERO11/HERO12 GoPro ADWAL-001 (MAX Lens Mod); who use the action camera for its intended purpose - to shoot cool extreme content. MAX Lens Mod, combined with the enabled HyperSmooth 3.0 stabilization mode, provides the action camera with a clear and smooth picture even with strong shaking. With the modular lens for the HERO9/10/11/12 GoPro ADWAL-001 (MAX Lens Mod), a blocked horizon will never appear in your footage. Perfect for filming extreme off-road bike rides. Max Lens Mod comes in a rubber case. Open the lid; install the lens; then remove the main part of the case. Unusual; but it’s convenient and there won’t be any fingerprints left on the glass. After installing the lens, don’t be alarmed; that the picture on the screen displays everything as if through a fish eye - these are the default settings. Go to the camera menu; Click on the icon that appears in the lower right corner. After this, the picture will return to normal. You can watch it in the Halyk Arena area.
Created: November 15 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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42 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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