Sell Cape monitor lizard 150 000 ₸

Sell Cape monitor lizard

Created: June 1 2022
Sell Cape monitor lizard Мичуринское - photo 1
Sell Cape monitor lizard Мичуринское - photo 2
Address: Мичуринское, Kazakhstan
Age about 1.5 years. Size 40-45cm. Opetite are good, with constant contact it gets used to the hands. Monitor lizards are not the easiest lizards to keep, and only experienced terrariumists can communicate with them. Most of them are rather nervous creatures, biting, and also very demanding on environmental conditions. True, there are pleasant exceptions, and the Cape monitor lizard is one of them. He is distinguished by a peaceful, non-violent character, easily accustomed to hands, and gives the owner much less trouble than his more restless relatives. Compared to other monitor lizards, the Cape is characterized by a stockier and more robust physique, a short neck and less long jaws. At the same time, it rarely exceeds 70 centimeters in length, about half of which falls on the tail. This goon will not rush around the terrarium, destroying everything in its path or use its strong jaws as soon as you open the door. On the contrary, he will come to ask if they brought him something tasty. Cape monitor lizards are quite calm about being picked up and will be happy to lie on your lap, melting from the warmth of your hands. Cape monitor lizards live in arid areas, so the climate in the terrarium should be warm enough and not very humid. As a substrate, it is better to choose an easily replaceable soil, since it quickly becomes contaminated. In nature, these predators prey on a wide variety of prey, ranging from small invertebrates to warm-blooded animals. In captivity, they willingly eat a mash of finely chopped meat with a raw egg and vitamin supplements. Sometimes, of course, you can pamper your pets with live food. Cape monitor lizards can be kept as a group, provided that all individuals are approximately the same size. It is known that monitor lizards are one of the most highly intelligent reptiles, each has a pronounced personality and its own character traits, which appear already at a very early age.
Created: June 1 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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150 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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