I sell tools for working with keratin and eyelash extensions.

I sell tools for working with keratin and eyelash extensions.

Created: May 14 2022
I sell tools for working with keratin and eyelash extensions. Мичуринское - photo 1
I sell tools for working with keratin and eyelash extensions. Мичуринское - photo 2
I sell tools for working with keratin and eyelash extensions. Мичуринское - photo 3
I sell tools for working with keratin and eyelash extensions. Мичуринское - photo 4
I sell tools for working with keratin and eyelash extensions. Мичуринское - photo 5
I sell tools for working with keratin and eyelash extensions. Мичуринское - photo 6
I sell tools for working with keratin and eyelash extensions. Мичуринское - photo 7
I sell tools for working with keratin and eyelash extensions. Мичуринское - photo 8
Address: Мичуринское, Kazakhstan
I sell eyelash extensions, some are brand new, some have 1 strip of eyelashes removed. The price of intact is 2000, and without 1 strip -1500. An iron for working with keratin and all types of Botox, I took it for 25, I'll give it for 20, since it's almost untouched. Bargaining is minimal!
Created: May 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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