Massage for adults and children in Tuzdybastau.

Massage for adults and children in Tuzdybastau.

Created: May 16 2022
Massage for adults and children in Tuzdybastau.  - photo 1
Massage for adults and children in Tuzdybastau.  - photo 2
Massage for adults and children in Tuzdybastau.  - photo 3
Massage for adults and children in Tuzdybastau.  - photo 4
Massage for adults and children in Tuzdybastau.  - photo 5
Massage for adults and children in Tuzdybastau.  - photo 6
Massage for adults and children in Tuzdybastau.  - photo 7
Massage for adults and children in Tuzdybastau.  - photo 8
Massage for children and adults! Children's-general health-improving, GROWTH disease - (pain in the limbs in children aged 5-11 years), flat feet, valgus feet, intracranial, ZHAUYRYN ashama, tiken alamyn, drainage on the lungs. Babies from 2-3 months. Adult-General, separately for joints. Withers. I remove salt with honey. LYMPHODRAINAGE. Neck collar. Recovery after a stroke. I BROKEN THE MILK DUCTS FOR NURSING MOMMS. Departure to the house is possible. PS-DEAR GUYS MEN - this is a purely healing massage
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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