laying hens Leggorn 1 400 ₸

laying hens Leggorn

Created: June 14 2022
laying hens Leggorn  - photo 1
laying hens Leggorn  - photo 2
Productivity Hens of the Leghorn breed are exclusively egg-oriented, The mass of Leghorn laying hens often reaches 2 kg, and roosters 2.6 kg, When they reach the age of 4.5 months, they begin to lay, Sexual maturity occurs at 17–18 weeks, Each laying hen of the breed produces about 300 eggs per year Poultry breeders of both huge complexes and very small farms are happy to start Leghorn chickens. Breeding and subsequent maintenance of chickens is economically beneficial. The bird has positive properties that largely overlap some of the disadvantages. color creamy white. Leghorns are not aggressive, get used to their owners well, have a good-natured disposition, well adapt to the conditions of detention and to climatic conditions. The Leggorn breed can be kept both in the northern regions and in the southern regions.
Created: June 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 400 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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