Cochin-chin chickens 6-7 pieces 4 000 ₸

Cochin-chin chickens 6-7 pieces

Created: June 14 2022
Cochin-chin chickens 6-7 pieces  - photo 1
Cochin-chin chickens 6-7 pieces  - photo 2
Cochin-chin chickens 6-7 pieces  - photo 3
I will sell chickens of the Cochinchin breed 6-7 pieces for 4000tg. They are very hardy, they don’t get sick, they lay eggs every other day, and if they fatten well, they gain weight for slaughter. I sell because I want to breed other breeds, I want to reduce the number of existing ones. So I want change the rooster to another breed.
Created: June 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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