Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes 918.50 rub

Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes

Created: February 25 2022
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 1
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 2
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 3
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 4
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 5
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 6
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 7
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 8
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 9
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 10
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 11
Sleeve welding of polyethylene HDPE pipes Krasnoyarsk - photo 12
Address: Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Electrofusion welding of polyethylene pipes, including those with different wall thicknesses. Departure for urgent emergency work. The quality of the joints is one hundred percent.
Polyethylene pipes HDPE - low-density polyethylene are one of the subtypes of polymer pipes that have the widest application. Melted polyethylene makes it possible to connect pipes with different diameters. The materials at the joints penetrate each other, the density of the seam is the same as that of the rest of the pipe, resulting in the reliability and durability of the pipeline. Welding is carried out using a Thermoplast Ondi electrofusion welding machine.

The work can be performed in cramped conditions, or where it is not possible to move the pipe. A source of electricity is required and there are no leaks in the pipes. Departure for urgent work in Krasnoyarsk and its suburbs. Seven days a week.
Created: February 25 2022
Андрей 240
Was online yesterday 18:52
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918.50 rub
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