Xylene ortho 10 l 1 122.40 rub

Xylene ortho 10 l

Created: February 9 2023
Address: Krasnodar, Russia
Orthoxylene is a petroleum product containing a number of volatile organic compounds. Xylene is transparent, has a characteristic odor, and is highly flammable. It is used to dissolve chlorinated rubber, nitrocellulose and various polymers, including epoxy, vinyl, acrylic and organosilicon, and also dilute melamine and urea-formaldeide materials. Also, orthoxylene is used for degreasing various surfaces, and in the composition of paints and varnishes it can replace petroleum solvent. Due to these properties, xylene is widely used in the production of paints and varnishes, as well as as a solvent.
In organic synthesis, orthoxylene is also widely used.
Created: February 9 2023
Was online february 9 18:27
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1 122.40 rub
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Was online february 9 18:27
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