KO-174 facade enamel 235.89 rub
Listing removed from published February 7

KO-174 facade enamel

Created: February 9 2023
Address: Krasnodar, Russia
Enamel KO-174 is intended for protective and decorative painting of facade parts of structures and buildings, as well as for painting metal and galvanized surfaces.
Silicone-organic enamel is a suspension of pigments and fillers in silicone resin with special components.
It is possible to manufacture enamel KO-174 in the following colors: white, beige, fawn, yellow-lemon, blue, green, red, pink, brown, brick, lettuce, ivory, coral, turquoise, sea wave, silver, black.
Created: February 9 2023
Was online january 26 16:14
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