Isopropyl alcohol absolute GOST 9805-84 738.29 ₸

Isopropyl alcohol absolute GOST 9805-84

Created: February 9 2023
Address: Krasnodar, Russia
Isopropyl alcohol - also known as isopropanol (dimethylcarbinol, 2-propanol) - is a monohydric alcohol, a clear liquid with a sharp characteristic odor. Density - 0.7851 g / cm3.
The purified product differs from the technical one in the mass fraction of alcohol in the mixture: absolute isopropanol 99.7%, ordinary isopropanol - about 87%. There are no mechanical impurities in such a liquid at all. Due to this, the scope of absolute alcohol is much wider than technical.
Created: February 9 2023
Was online february 9 18:27
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738.29 ₸
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Was online february 9 18:27
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