XC-710 enamel GOST 9355-81 992.87 ₸

XC-710 enamel GOST 9355-81

Created: February 9 2023
Address: Krasnodar, Russia
Enamel XC-710 is a one-pack material. It is used in combination with other materials to protect metal structures under the influence of acidic and alkaline environments. Primers XC-010 or XC-077 are used as primers, as a result of which a waterproof and petrol-resistant coating is created that calmly tolerates the aggression of mineral acids and alkalis, salts, aggressive gases and other chemical reagents with a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C.
Created: February 9 2023
Was online february 9 18:27
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992.87 ₸
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Was online february 9 18:27
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