Priming enamel AKROMET super white RAL 9003 25 kg 243.19 rub

Priming enamel AKROMET super white RAL 9003 25 kg

Created: February 9 2023
Address: Krasnodar, Russia
Primer-enamel "Acromet" of super-white color is a suspension of pigments and fillers in a film-forming substance with the addition of solvents, plasticizers, and functional additives. Specially developed copolymers are used as a film-forming agent, which make it possible to obtain properties unique for primer-enamel. All the main properties of the primer-enamel (adhesion to various surfaces, including aluminum and galvanized, drying time, hardness, elasticity, increased resistance to atmospheric and chemical influences, the possibility of applying a coating up to 1 mm thick) are laid in the manufacture of a binder - a copolymer "Akrokam" own production.
Created: February 9 2023
Was online february 9 18:27
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243.19 rub
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Was online february 9 18:27
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